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About Me

Mario Mainz
Mario Mainz

Hello 👋

I’m Mario, just another software engineer running a personal blog.

I’m working mostly on SaaS products that use event-driven architectures. During my career, I have used C#, Ruby, TypeScript, Elixir and Go. Currently, I’m working with TypeScript.

This blog is mostly supposed to just be a place for me to think out loud. I feel that writing down your thoughts can solidify your understanding of your own reasoning. But I’m also always keen on getting feedback on my thoughts and hear differing opinions. I think this is a prime contributor to my personal growth.

When not working on software, I enjoy playing video games, watching anime, lifting weights or playing D&D. I also very much enjoy food, which has also led to me becoming interested in cooking and baking. I do tend to eat too much, though, so I need to restrict myself on that hobby a little.